Sapienkid Wed, 26 Jul 2023 09:32:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sapienkid 32 32 Shielding Childhood: Preventing Addictions in Kids Wed, 26 Jul 2023 09:31:44 +0000 Introduction

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, parents face numerous challenges in raising their children to make informed and healthy choices. One of the most significant concerns is helping children avoid addiction to harmful substances or behaviors. As parents, it is crucial to nurture resilience in our children and equip them with the tools to make wise decisions. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to teach your child about avoiding addiction and fostering a strong foundation for a healthy life.

1. Open and Honest Communication

Establishing open and honest communication with your child is the cornerstone of teaching them about addiction avoidance. Encourage your child to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment. By being approachable and non-critical, you create a safe space where they can openly discuss their concerns and seek guidance when needed.

2. Educate about Risks and Consequences

Educating your child about the risks and consequences of addiction is essential in helping them make informed choices. Discuss the harmful effects of substance abuse and addictive behaviors on physical health, mental well-being, relationships, and future opportunities. Utilize age-appropriate resources and real-life examples to drive the message home effectively.

3. Be a Positive Role Model

Children often emulate the behaviors they observe in their parents and caregivers. Be a positive role model by showcasing healthy coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and responsible decision-making. Demonstrate resilience in handling life’s challenges, as this will inspire your child to follow suit.

4. Teach Stress Management and Coping Skills

Stress and peer pressure are significant factors that may lead children toward addiction. Teach your child healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as engaging in physical activities, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies they enjoy. Encourage them to express their emotions constructively, fostering emotional intelligence.

5. Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations

Establishing clear boundaries and expectations is essential for your child’s understanding of acceptable behavior. Consistently reinforce rules regarding substance use and addictive activities, explaining the rationale behind these boundaries. Clear guidelines provide your child with a sense of security and direction, making it easier for them to resist negative influences.

6. Encourage Healthy Friendships

Peers play a crucial role in a child’s life, so encourage your child to build friendships with like-minded individuals who share their values and interests. Positive peer influence can significantly impact their decision-making process and reinforce the importance of avoiding addiction.

7. Monitor Digital and Media Exposure

In today’s digital era, children are exposed to a vast amount of information through various media channels. Be vigilant about the content they consume and guide them in navigating the internet responsibly. Limit their exposure to media that glamorizes substance abuse or addictive behaviors.

8. Address Underlying Issues

Be attentive to your child’s emotional well-being and address any underlying issues that may contribute to vulnerability to addiction. Factors like low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or trauma can increase the risk of seeking solace in harmful substances or behaviors. Seek professional help if needed to support your child through challenging times.


Teaching your child about avoiding addiction is a lifelong process that requires patience, understanding, and pro-active engagement. By fostering open communication, providing education on addiction risks, and being a positive role model, you can instil resilience in your child to make informed and healthy choices. Empower them with coping skills, set clear boundaries, and surround them with positive influences to navigate through life’s challenges confidently. As parents, we have the unique opportunity to shape our children’s future, ensuring that they grow into resilient and responsible individuals capable of leading fulfilling and addiction-free lives.

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Bedtime Routine: Promoting Restful Sleep in Kids Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:28:56 +0000 A good night’s sleep is essential for the overall well-being and development of children. As parents, we play a crucial role in establishing healthy sleep habits. One effective way to promote restful sleep is by implementing a consistent bedtime routine. In this blog, we will explore the importance of bedtime routines for kids and provide practical tips to create a successful sleep routine.

1. Understanding the Importance of Sleep:

Sleep is crucial for a child’s growth, learning, and emotional well-being. It supports physical development, cognitive functioning, and memory consolidation. Adequate sleep enhances mood regulation and strengthens the immune system. Establishing consistent bedtime routines and creating a sleep-friendly environment are key to promoting healthy sleep habits.

2. The Science Behind Sleep Cycles:

Children experience sleep cycles that consist of different stages, including deep sleep and REM sleep. Deep sleep promotes physical growth, tissue repair, and immune system strengthening. REM sleep is essential for brain development, memory consolidation, and emotional processing. Completing full sleep cycles ensures children wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Understanding, sleep cycles helps parents prioritize uninterrupted and sufficient sleep for their child’s overall well-being. 

3. Establishing Consistent Bedtime:

Consistent bedtime routines are essential for children’s sleep and well-being. They help regulate their internal body clock, improve sleep quality, and provide a sense of structure and security. By establishing, a regular bedtime, parents support healthy sleep habits and contribute to their child’s overall growth and happiness.  

4. Designing a Relaxing Bedtime Routine:

A relaxing bedtime routine helps kids unwind and prepare for a peaceful sleep. Activities like reading, taking a bath, and deep breathing create a calm environment. It signals bedtime and promotes relaxation for a restful night’s sleep.

5. Setting Up a Sleep-Friendly Environment:

A cool, dark, and quiet bedroom promotes deep and uninterrupted sleep. Comfortable bedding and a cozy sleep space enhance relaxation. Minimizing distractions like screens and creating a soothing ambiance contribute to a peaceful sleep environment.

6. Managing Night-time Challenges:

Providing reassurance, creating a comforting bedtime routine, and using relaxation techniques can ease fears and anxieties. Addressing nightmares, difficulties falling asleep, or bedtime resistance with patience and understanding supports a peaceful sleep routine.

7. Consistency and Patience:

Consistency and patience are key to establishing healthy sleep habits for kids. By sticking to a regular sleep schedule and bedtime routine, children develop a sense of stability and predictability. It may take time for them to adjust, but with patience and consistency, a positive sleep routine can be established.

8.  Bedtime stories: 

They hold immense importance in the development of children as they not only spark imagination and creativity but also foster language skills, emotional intelligence, and bonding. Through, the magical world of storytelling, children explore diverse characters, learn valuable life lessons, and develop a love for reading, all while enjoying precious moments of connection with their parents or care-givers. Bedtime stories create a soothing and comforting routine that promotes relaxation, cultivates a sense of security, and helps children wind down, leading to better sleep.


A well-crafted bedtime routine can make a significant difference in ensuring that children get the restful sleep they need for healthy growth and development.

Remember, every child is unique, and finding the perfect bedtime routine may take some trial and error. With patience and a focus on creating a nurturing sleep environment, parents can help their children establish healthy sleep habits that will benefit them for a lifetime. Sweet dreams await!

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The Importance of Teaching Kids Kindness Tue, 02 May 2023 04:19:53 +0000 Kindness is one of the most important qualities we can instill in our children. When kids learn to be kind, they not only become better people, but they also have a positive impact on the world around them. By teaching kindness at an early age, we can help our children grow up to be compassionate, empathetic, and caring individuals.

Here are a few reasons why teaching kindness to kids at an early age is so important:

1. It fosters empathy and understanding

When kids learn to be kind, they develop empathy and understanding for others. As they begin to see the world through the eyes of others and are better able to relate to people who are different from them. This helps them to build strong relationships with others, and to be more accepting and tolerant of diversity.

2. It promotes positive behavior

Kindness begets kindness. When kids learn to be kind, they are more likely to engage in positive behavior in themselves. This can include things like sharing, being helpful, and showing gratitude. As they grow older, these positive behaviors become habits that they carry with them throughout their lives.

3. It builds self-esteem

When kids are kind to others, they feel good about themselves. They see the positive impact they have on others, and this boosts their self-esteem. This, in turn, helps them to develop a positive self-image and a strong sense of self-worth.

4. It teaches valuable life skills

Kindness is a valuable life skill that can help kids in all aspects of their lives. It teaches them important social skills like communication, cooperation, and teamwork. It also helps them to develop problem-solving skills and to be more resilient in the face of challenges.

Here are a few tips:

1. Lead by example

Kids learn by watching the adults around them. If we want our kids to be kind, we need to model kindness ourselves. This means being kind to others, showing gratitude, and practicing empathy and understanding.

2. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is an important aspect of kindness. We can help our kids develop a sense of gratitude by encouraging them to express thanks for the good things in their lives, and by modeling gratitude ourselves.

3. Encourage acts of kindness

Encourage your kids to engage in acts of kindness. This can include things like helping others, sharing with friends, or volunteering in their community. Celebrate these acts of kindness and reinforce the positive behavior.


Teaching kindness to kids at an early age is an important way to help them grow up to be caring, empathetic, and compassionate individuals. By modeling kindness ourselves and encouraging our kids to practice empathy, gratitude, and acts of kindness, we can help them develop the skills they need to be successful in all aspects of their lives.

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Benefits of Pets: Surprising Pawsitive Effects Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:43:35 +0000 Introduction:

Pets have long been a source of companionship and love for their owners. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, or any other animal, pets bring joy to our lives. But did you know that having a pet can also have psychological benefits? In this blog, we’ll explore some of the ways that pets can improve our mental health and well-being.

Decreased stress and anxiety:

Studies have shown that simply being around a pet can help to lower our stress levels and reduce feelings of anxiety. Petting an animal has been found to release oxytocin, a hormone that is associated with feelings of happiness and relaxation. The presence of a pet can help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can contribute to higher levels of stress and anxiety.

Improved mood:

Pets can bring a sense of joy and happiness to our lives, which can help to improve our overall mood. In fact, spending time with a pet has been found to release endorphins, the body’s natural mood-boosters. This can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from depression or other mood disorders. As the companionship of a pet can provide a sense of purpose and happiness.

Increased socialization:

Owning a pet can provide opportunities for increased socialization, particularly for those who may struggle with social anxiety or have difficulty making connections with others. Walking a dog or attending a pet-related event can provide a chance to meet new people.

Sense of purpose:

Pets provide their owners with a sense of purpose and responsibility. This can be particularly beneficial for those who may be feeling lost or uncertain about their place in the world. Caring for a pet can provide a sense of fulfillment and a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Improved physical health:

In addition to the psychological benefits, owning a pet can also provide physical health benefits. Walking a dog, for example, can provide exercise and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, the act of caring for a pet can help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.


The benefits of owning a pet go beyond simple companionship. From decreased stress and anxiety to improved physical health. Pets can have a significant impact on our overall well-being.With the right preparation and care, a pet can be a source of love, joy, and improved mental health for years to come.

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Mindful Activities to Boost Concentration in Kids Tue, 04 Apr 2023 07:16:47 +0000 As children grow up and start navigating through the world, they’re presented with a variety of distractions that can significantly impact their focus and attention span. Distractions like digital media, a noisy environment, or a racing mind can all negatively impact their ability to concentrate and pay attention to the task at hand. However, there are several mindful activities that can help boost concentration and attention span in children.

  1. Mindful Breathing Exercises

One of the most straightforward techniques to help kids stay focused is through deep, mindful breathing. Ask your child to sit quietly and take deep, slow breaths in and out. Encourage them to focus only on the sensation of their breath filling up their lungs and then exhaling. This technique can help calm the mind and improve concentration.

  1. Mindful Coloring

Coloring can be an effective way to help children concentrate while also nurturing their creativity. Mindful coloring involves focusing on the present moment and enjoying the process of coloring rather than being attached to the end result. This activity can be especially beneficial for children who are prone to anxiety or stress.

  1. Mindful Listening

This exercise involves encouraging children to pay attention to the sounds around them. Have them sit quietly and listen to the sounds in the room, like the ticking of a clock, the hum of the air conditioning, or the sound of cars outside. You can also play music and ask them to focus on a particular instrument or melody. This exercise helps improve their ability to concentrate on one thing while tuning out other distractions.

  1. Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a great way to teach children to focus on the present moment while also developing healthy eating habits. Encourage them to pay attention to the smell, taste, and texture of their food. Ask them to chew slowly and savor each bite, focusing only on the sensations in their mouth. This exercise can help improve their ability to focus on the task at hand while also helping them develop a healthy relationship with food.

  1. Mindful Walking

Walking mindfully involves walking slowly and paying attention to the sensations in your body as you walk. Encourage your child to walk barefoot in the grass or sand and feel the textures beneath their feet. You can also encourage them to focus on the feeling of the wind on their face or the sun on their skin. This exercise can help improve their ability to concentrate and be present in the moment.

In conclusion, mindfulness activities can be a powerful tool for helping children develop stronger concentration and attention span skills. These activities are easy to incorporate into daily routines, and the benefits of mindful practices can last a lifetime. By helping children develop mindfulness skills, parents can set their children up for success in all areas of their lives.

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Can Playing Puzzles Enhance Creativity in Children? Tue, 21 Mar 2023 04:41:26 +0000 Isn’t it nice to see your child sit and work on his jigsaw puzzle? We love seeing them sit so calmly (for once) and try to figure out where to place the next piece. The same way, many parents happily take their child to chess class or even for classes where they can learn to solve some puzzle or work their way out through mazes. These are interesting avenues for children and even for some parents who take active interest in these games even in adulthood. 

Actually, if you look back at the history of the word, ‘puzzle’ you will realize that it means ‘bewilder, or confound’ or to put it simply- to pique the curiosity of kids to help them think ingeniously. 

This is the first time in their life they learn how to solve puzzles visually. So, it captivates their attention span and makes them sit and work on them for long. All said, a prudent parent would also want logic and here we present them to you.

Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

Puzzles like the jigsaw puzzle, or the other wooden puzzles are great for managing the hand-eye coordination. Kids can go ahead with playing puzzles like maze games whereby they can improve their attention. Even if it is a simple game of hide-and-seek, kids will learn how to walk with their eyes closed. They can guide themselves with the help of outstretched hands. 

Creativity and its Ties with Problem Solving

To reach the goal of the puzzle or a riddle, a person will have to think differently and out of the box. Kids learn this and therefore, tackle problem solving in a great manner. They realize that every problem has a solution and one should not assume that there is only one way out. There can be more ways out and only a highly-developed and creative mind can find its way out. 

Puzzles help a child look at finding a way out sometimes with others, like parents who assist them. They also learn to single-handedly solve riddles, like number riddles and word riddles later on their own. 

This also opens up an array of careers for them in the future. For instance, a child eager to find solutions can become an architect, a developer, or a doctor too! Parents who want their child to apply logic and reasoning should start it early and here’s where creative and analytical thinking comes to the forefront. 

Puzzles help in cognitive development for sure. But do not simply stick to jigsaw puzzles alone. Their brains are more than competent, which is what you have to understand and therefore, give them challenges that are one level up. See how fast they solve a puzzle and produce something of a slightly higher level. Also, try to cheer them up even if they fail. Some of these riddles and puzzle games are tough for adults, let alone kids! 

So, cheer them up and join them on the way to tackle the puzzles of life!

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Importance of making friends Wed, 15 Mar 2023 07:21:23 +0000 Friendship is valuable and we need this relationship all life. The friendship you form in your childhood years is what you try to keep all through and take great efforts to protect it. 

In our adult years, we hardly see that kind of friendship or camaraderie with our adult friends. What’s so special about having friends in our life? Do we need any at all?

For a Healthy State of Mind

Friends make us feel happy and that’s that. You can find better peace of mind when you have a friend or more to share your feelings. Not every day will be smooth and that’s why you need friends. There might be friends at different places. Kids might have friends in the neighborhood, in their school, their basketball team or class. It doesn’t matter who, what matters is the way you can get friends to understand you. 

The First Relationship Outside Family

It is true that only family members are the first people a child meets till the time he goes to school. A new world of adults open up where the kid also meets other kids like him. They easily blend with them, though a little stiff in the initial stages. This is normal as kids are speaking to any outsider for the first time in their life. However, with help, they learn to share with their friends and care for them. They also learn several values of life from friends including emotions and how to manage them

Emotional Support

Kids also have emotional upswings and we as adults or parents need to grasp that. They too may have their highs and lows, which they might want some shoulder to cry on. Who better to do that than a friend? This kind of emotional support is not what parents can offer and adults might only end up being frustrated at not being able to reach out. 

Motivation from the Very Unlikeliest Places

Friends may be the first person to wish you a happy birthday. They may also be the first to encourage you even when you look or feel the most miserable. This is natural for a friend to help their friends out of their darkest phases. We have seen such friends and only can wish for everyone to have such a great friendship too. 

A Partner to Joke and Laugh Around

The best part about having a friend is the way you can be yourself. You need not pretend to be someone you cannot be. Your friend will in fact see through you, even if you do. You can joke carelessly, go on unplanned trips, and have someone to laugh at your jokes and do wacky things with you. Yes, if you are lucky enough, you can even get a friend for life that way.

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How to Make Your Child Express their Emotions Fri, 10 Mar 2023 05:33:30 +0000 It is true that most of the ways an adult acts or reacts is a direct reflection of what they were in their childhood. We all carry forward our emotional baggage, our emotions, and therefore, our character from whatever we were in childhood. 

So, if you see an adult behave recklessly or be insecure in their relationships, or even not give respect to other’s feelings, it could be due to their childhood issues. Many of us may not have had a smooth childhood, but we can surely try our best to give our children a better future. To ensure they control their emotions well, and respect others’, we have to follow a few rules. 

Name the Emotions

If a child hurts his pet, you should tell them that the dog is hurting and in pain. It is wrong. Teach them to say sorry, and never repeat such actions ever again. Next is to tell them that if they are throwing tantrum, they are not behaving properly. If they feel bad on the loss of a pet of a favorite relative, make them sit and cry with you. Do restrain from saying, “You are a boy and boys don’t cry.” Humans should cry and express themselves. A child that learns about emotions, respects them. 

Observe their Reactions

Parents can help in crafting a child’s emotional trip better if they observe them better. So, take time out to be with your child and see how they react to certain scenes in movies or when they see other kids fight. Do they also take sides or do they pacify? When you understand that, talk to them and appreciate or scold them as per that. 

Lead by Example

Show your kid how to react to situations. Let’s say, if you want to explode in anger because your kid has spilled some ketchup on the freshly mopped floor, simply count back from ten to one. Likewise, if you are upset at someone, try keeping quiet. Kids observe all of these and follow the same. So, try doing these and help your child to also emote in the similar manner when they face similar situations. 

Be Empathetic

Try to talk to them, have an eye contact. Do not distance yourself or say that they are overreacting. Be clear about why they are hurt or upset and what caused the same. If they open up, try to say that you understand their situation. See if they are fine before advising them or telling them how they should do better. 

Set the Right Environment to Talk

Kids do not realize when it is right for them to talk to you about their emotional state or crises. It is however, essential for them to open up in case they have faced any trauma. So, make sure to create that bond and area where they can come without fear and approach you to share their deepest fears or threats. Let them feel comfortable talking to you and not worry about if you will judge them or not. This kind of unfiltered environment and compassionate ground will help them open up. 

The human mind is the most complex in the animal world. So, untangling and understanding emotions is not just going to be as easy as opening a book. It will require your efforts and availability. Parenting is not easy and so we have come up with the ideal solution in the form of books. We have chosen such complex topics for you to read out to kids to enable them to open up and take reference to share their thoughts. Check out SapienKid now and find a great avenue to help you in dealing with your child’s journey with emotions.

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How to Teach Kids at Home Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:19:11 +0000 Parents of this generation are a lot clearer about what they would want their child to know. They are also clear on how to impart these to the children. If you are a parent, you have different options to explore for imparting education to your child as well. This could be possible in present day scenario as there are indeed several avenues and possibilities. You could put them in schools in the regular fashion or simply go for homeschooling as many people around the world. Now, all said, education or learning should and would begin from home. 

Defining Home Learning

You are to define and mark the line of how and when to start educating your child. It has to be a way of life. So, even busy parents can show and take their child through their daily chores and begin their education. 

Your home education should be a stepping stone for them to begin their schooling and therefore, make it as entertaining and enjoyable. Their focus should be on imparting life skills and not just limit to the letters or numbers alone. 

They should make the children understand that they should learn something every day and not just race after scores. 

Now the Main Tips on Teaching Kids at Home 

Start with Planning: Make planning a way of life to achieve discipline. So make a chart or a lesson plan for the day. It could start with what they would do from the time they wake up. It would be ideal for kids who understand the value of time. So, we can start this by the time kids are 4 or 5. For kids younger than that and who have not started school, you may start by waking them up at a specific time. You may then take them on a walk or jog or even do Surya Namaskar. Remember kids mimic elders. Make use of that to teach them simple things of life but with plan. 

Reading and Writing

Who said you should only start teaching kids when they go to school? Develop love and respect for books by strewing around books around the house. Kids have the habit of picking up a book to read on the go. These books should be accessible for them to pick. It could be any book. Kids who may love images, would also enjoy seeing comic books. While buying magazine for yourself, also treat them to their own book. On the go, teach them to read numbers. Point it out to them everywhere you see. From showing them numbers on currency bills to page numbers and measuring cups. They should understand that math extends beyond their classroom and school. 

Encourage Curiosity

Are you bombarded with questions by your little one, “Why did the bird fly? Why can’t the hen fly? Why is milk white in color?…”These are just some of the questions your kid might have asked and this is the tip of the iceberg. But when they ask what do you do? Do you simply turn a deaf ear and move around with your work? Or do you Google for answers and reply to them? Most of the parents these days prefer taking the second route. But that only means you will have more questions coming your way. Instead of fearing that, make sure to answer properly to inspire your child. You should encourage curiosity as that is the beginning of a journey. Your child’s interest for science, geography and history will all begin in this way. 

Do Not Restrict

Pick up colors and let the child color up his world in his own way. They may at first color up the floor and walls. Instead of having a meltdown, teach them that crayons are strictly for coloring their drawing notes only. Do not restrict them to coloring within the lines or boxes. Let them take their imagination as high as possible. 

Good to Know

In the initial years, the education process would happen 24/7 throughout their waking hours. Children won’t know that they are undergoing education as you will be making it happen as a part of their daily chores. 

Take the kids through chores, as you run errands, show them how you have to pay for things with money and so on. Take them to your workplace and explain how you have to work hard to earn money. 

Most importantly, remember that your kid will pick the book up when they see you do the same. So, check out books more often and read. 

Wondering on what you should read out to your child? SapienKid has the solution for you in the form of over 50+ books. Read out books on various topics of life skills for your child to begin his learning well.

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Tips to Improve Your Child’s Sleep Pattern Wed, 01 Mar 2023 06:29:27 +0000 You may have noticed that your toddler is not sleeping that well as he used to as a newborn. This is a fact that infants sleep well and almost all day! Some lucky parents state that their children never remained awake and would sleep properly at night. But with time, kids may lose out on their sleep.

Pediatricians claim that kids need all the sleep they can get. There are primarily two phases that could be the REM phase and the NREM or the No-rapid Eye Movement.

The latter is what you call the quieter part of the sleep that your child will actually sleep well. Kids tend to switch in these two phases back and forth after some time.

Then there are early risers, who will rise up early even if they sleep late. But all said, we have to remember that if the child did not have a good night’s sleep, the entire family will suffer. The child will become groggy, and disoriented all morning, and worse, remain cranky all day. So, all this amounts to one thing- to make the child develop a better sleep pattern. Newborn kids will sleep at a stretch for five hours and not more because they will need to wake up regularly to have food.

Here we discuss a few strategies for your babies to go to sleep well.

Relax Before Going to Bed:

Make sure to have a gentle conversation with your child before putting them to bed. You can even dim the lights of the room, and meditate with them watching you. Kids love to mimic elders and this is certainly a great habit to follow for life. With meditation, their minds might clear up and they can sleep peacefully without any disturbing or restless thoughts. 

Plan a Proper Night Routine:

Finish your dinner or supper for them early in the evening. Then change them into their night clothes that should be comforting and not too tight or too loose. Then make them sit and read a book with you. You may pick a SapienKid’s book and show them the illustration as you read out the stories. These stories are great habit-makers and therefore, help your child grow well.

No Lights or Sounds:

Children will find it disturbing to sleep in a dark room alone. If they sleep with you, then make sure to have a night lamp. Even otherwise, if they sleep in their room, make sure to have a night lamp that just keeps them comforting and does not scare them. Also, do not make them sleep in the room adjacent to the living room where the television blaring loud noises. Make sure to do away with all of the devices at least one hour before bedtime.

Be Watchful of What they Watch

Do not let the children watch on television during the day. If they watch anything disturbing or scary, they tend to get a disturbed sleep. However, if they watch something sweet, they will get a peaceful night’s sleep.

Make A Bedtime Routine

Yes, make a routine before bedtime, but more importantly, stick to it. Make sure to take the child to bed when they are still awake. This would help them realize that they have to go to sleep on their own. Do not delay their sleep time as much as possible. If you are traveling also, make sure to put them to bed in their usual time.

Toys and Accessories

Kids may love to sleep with their favorite toy, or a cozy blanket. Make sure to have these with them. Make them drink their bed outside their bed and then brush their teeth to remove formation of tooth decay.

Is it So Easy to Make the Kids Fall Asleep

No! Especially as your children start growing, you will notice they sleep lesser. Calm the child if they cry and then leave them to sleep on their own and do not pick them up. Try not to talk or make them wide awake if they want to go to the loo. Make sure to take them to bed everytime they get up. This way they will know that they are to sleep.

Set an alarm in the morning, so that they wake up on their own at that time. Make sure to adjust the speed of the fan or the AC or heater to make their night’s sleep comfortable.

When all of these fit a correct routine, the sleep pattern also will get adjusted. With time, they will follow a healthy routine to sleep and wake up fresh and happy in the morning!

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