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Parenting Blog

How to Make Your Child Express their Emotions

It is true that most of the ways an adult acts or reacts is a direct reflection of what they were in their childhood. We all carry forward our emotional baggage, our emotions, and therefore, our character from whatever we were in childhood. 

So, if you see an adult behave recklessly or be insecure in their relationships, or even not give respect to other’s feelings, it could be due to their childhood issues. Many of us may not have had a smooth childhood, but we can surely try our best to give our children a better future. To ensure they control their emotions well, and respect others’, we have to follow a few rules. 

Name the Emotions

If a child hurts his pet, you should tell them that the dog is hurting and in pain. It is wrong. Teach them to say sorry, and never repeat such actions ever again. Next is to tell them that if they are throwing tantrum, they are not behaving properly. If they feel bad on the loss of a pet of a favorite relative, make them sit and cry with you. Do restrain from saying, “You are a boy and boys don’t cry.” Humans should cry and express themselves. A child that learns about emotions, respects them. 

Observe their Reactions

Parents can help in crafting a child’s emotional trip better if they observe them better. So, take time out to be with your child and see how they react to certain scenes in movies or when they see other kids fight. Do they also take sides or do they pacify? When you understand that, talk to them and appreciate or scold them as per that. 

Lead by Example

Show your kid how to react to situations. Let’s say, if you want to explode in anger because your kid has spilled some ketchup on the freshly mopped floor, simply count back from ten to one. Likewise, if you are upset at someone, try keeping quiet. Kids observe all of these and follow the same. So, try doing these and help your child to also emote in the similar manner when they face similar situations. 

Be Empathetic

Try to talk to them, have an eye contact. Do not distance yourself or say that they are overreacting. Be clear about why they are hurt or upset and what caused the same. If they open up, try to say that you understand their situation. See if they are fine before advising them or telling them how they should do better. 

Set the Right Environment to Talk

Kids do not realize when it is right for them to talk to you about their emotional state or crises. It is however, essential for them to open up in case they have faced any trauma. So, make sure to create that bond and area where they can come without fear and approach you to share their deepest fears or threats. Let them feel comfortable talking to you and not worry about if you will judge them or not. This kind of unfiltered environment and compassionate ground will help them open up. 

The human mind is the most complex in the animal world. So, untangling and understanding emotions is not just going to be as easy as opening a book. It will require your efforts and availability. Parenting is not easy and so we have come up with the ideal solution in the form of books. We have chosen such complex topics for you to read out to kids to enable them to open up and take reference to share their thoughts. Check out SapienKid now and find a great avenue to help you in dealing with your child’s journey with emotions.

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