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7 Vertical Mindfulness Parenting tips

How to Deal with Overthinking

For kids and teenagers, overthinking is fairly frequent. As disappointments and dissatisfaction mount, kids may become anxious due to stress. Even while all parents wish to help their children in getting rid of this upsetting emotion, it is not always simple. For kids and teenagers, anxiety or excessive worrying is a prevalent mental health issue. 

Many parents can believe that they have nothing to worry about because worrying doesn’t always have to have serious consequences. The overthinking that has become a part of their daily lives may not seem like a legitimate problem, but when you look at your child and realize that their emotions are as real as they can be, you’ll want to try to alleviate it.

Children may overthink ordinary things like riding the bus, going to school, worrying about their grades, a test coming up, playing a game, succumbing to peer pressure, or being taunted or left out.

Helping Children Overcome Overthinking

Encourage these easy, wholesome behaviors to teach our kids to live in the now rather than spend too much time worrying about the past or the future.

Lead by example

Teaching children by example is the most effective way to impart knowledge. Children see how you handle your own concerns, annoyances, stress, and other emotions. The way you handle the situations can greatly influence how well your kids learn to handle the difficulties they face on a daily basis. Therefore, it is crucial to lead by example when it comes to how you respond to difficulties and failures. Your children will learn that challenges are transient and that overcoming obstacles with persistence can help them do the same if you respond with optimism and confidence.

Make an effort to learn their thoughts

Consider taking an interest in learning about their daily activities, such as what occurs at school, with friends, or in the classroom. If your child looks to be concerned about something when we listen to what happened in their day’s events and ask how they feel about what happened, you will be made aware of it. Simply telling you what happened and sharing their emotions with you will help them feel better and stop overthinking.

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Support them

Children feel understood, supported, and valued when you ask them questions and show interest in what they’ve been up to during the day. This demonstrates that you care about them and that they are important to you. Never interrupt someone who is venting and only say you understand once they have completed talking about their feelings or a particular issue.

Stop comforting without hearing

We may feel that there is no need to worry when our children express concern, leading us to reassure them that everything will be okay and that there is nothing to worry about. For an adult, this might be true, but not for a child. No matter how basic or trivial their arguments are, listen to your kids without passing judgment.

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Help them in finding solutions

You may teach kids how to handle difficult circumstances to help reduce overthinking. So, offer to assist your child in coming up with a solution when you sit down to talk about issues or worries that disturb them. This does not imply that you solve the issue for your child; instead, you should fight the impulse to do so and work with them to come up with workable answers. Children must actively participate in problem-solving if they are to learn how to do so both now and in the future.

List the factors that cause overthinking

Assist your child in compiling a list of everything they fret about, are afraid of, or overthink. Your youngsters may feel less frightened by the frightening, overwhelming emotion by simply recognizing it and writing it down. This will also give you the opportunity to decide which specific worries and anxieties of your child you want to address one at a time with them.

Overthinking is more serious than we think

Overthinking can lead to bigger problems in the future. Studies have shown that it affects the well-being of children. Disruptive sleep cycle and inability to be productive and carry out daily activities are some of the side effects of it. A prolonged overthinking pattern can also lead to psychological issues like anxiety, panic, and depression.

Happy Parenting!

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