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7 Vertical Parenting tips Relations

How to raise an emotionally intelligent child?

Making your child emotionally intelligent is as important as having a child with a high IQ. An emotionally intelligent child knows how to respond in stressful situations. When a child learns to be aware of his own emotions from a very early age, he tends to be more upfront and communicative in his future relationships.

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7 Vertical Parenting tips Relations

Benefits of Journal Writing

Journal writing is one of the best techniques to teach your child for their behavioral development. This way kids can learn to convey their thoughts and manage their emotions. This enhances their writing skills as well.  In this modern age it’s very important that your children talk and communicate things to someone. Writing down thoughts

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7 Vertical Parenting tips Relations

Why is socializing important for kids

Why is a child’s socialization important? Teaching kids how to connect with other kids and adults in a healthy and beneficial way is the goal of socialization. Children acquire social skills such as taking turns, sharing, and managing their emotions around others through socialization. As adults, it is our responsibility to foster and supervise their

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7 Vertical Parenting tips Relations

Why Self Affirmations are Important for Kids

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys of life. Creating and nurturing a new life is magical. But it sure does come with its own set of confusion and doubt. In moments of doubt, having a parenting expert at your fingertips is a blessing.  In a world where everyone is constantly connected to

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