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7 Vertical Mindfulness Parenting tips

How to Deal with Overthinking

For kids and teenagers, overthinking is fairly frequent. As disappointments and dissatisfaction mount, kids may become anxious due to stress. Even while all parents wish to help their children in getting rid of this upsetting emotion, it is not always simple. For kids and teenagers, anxiety or excessive worrying is a prevalent mental health issue. 

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7 Vertical Mindfulness Parenting tips

How Can Parents Support their Kids to Dream

Every parent understands that kids should be free to explore and pursue their hobbies while their parents support them from a distance. No matter how lofty or unattainable their aspirations may be, you as a parent must do all in your power to pique their interest, encourage them to dream, and give them the resources

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7 Vertical Mindfulness Parenting tips

5 Easy Asanas for Kids

Yoga is very different for children than it is for adults. While many people are accustomed to a quiet, calming hour-long class, children cannot sit still for long periods of time. Yoga can be introduced to younger children through storybooks, which help them to illustrate the benefits of yoga. Yoga can be practiced outside of

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