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Parenting Blog

Sleep Deprivation of New Parents- Explained

I recently visited my friend’s place to meet their newborn daughter. They became parents for the first time. Their daughter had beautiful eyes, and so were the new parents’ puffy eyes. I understood that the new parents haven’t been getting much sleep. Sleep deprivation in parents has never been given much attention, but it’s high time now we work on this aspect of parenting as well. 

Here are the causes of sleep deprivation that can be risky to your life as a parent

  1. Dark circles– Puffy eyes, dark bags around the eyes appear, making you look dull and tired.
  2. Weight gain – Research has shown that lack of sleep can cause weight gain as well as gain in blood sugar levels.
  3. Cold– A person is three times more likely to catch a cold when sleep deprived due to the lack of shut-eye affects the immune system.
  4. Depression And Anxiety– Tired and sleep-deprived parents usually end up being more irritated and are more prone to feeling depressed. It also needs to have negative moods and emotions in a person.
  5. Insomnia– Lack of sleep can also lead to insomnia and postpartum depression in mothers.

 Here are some of the tricks and techniques for new-age parents to complete their sleep.

 A normal person requires 7-8 hours of sleep on a daily basis. 

  1. Learn to say No– There will be times when you will be overloaded with responsibilities. Prioritizing your sleep is very important and saying NO to work at times is also necessary for your mental health.
  2. Sleep when your child sleeps– Your child will sleep at odd hours, you also need to practice taking a nap at that time so that you get some rest.
  3. Don’t hesitate to ask for help- As new parents, never hesitate to ask for help from others. Because, you are already overloaded with stuff. Asking for help can give you some time to rest.
  4. Start sleep training your child- After 6 months you can start sleep training your child. You can take help from a new parenting book guide or groups.

At last, being a parent is a beautiful and overwhelming experience. Some days you will be completely sleep deprived, and some days you might manage to get some sleep, but what’s important is that you cherish every moment with your child. In these busy times, don’t forget to cut yourself some slack and take as much rest and sleep as required.

To get such handy and useful parenting tips, you can also visit our Sapien Parenting Page.

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